The revelation of the New Testament
at the time of Jesus’ second coming
-Shincheonji TV-
Shincheonji TV
Revelation of Jesus’ second coming
The book of Revelation has its own appointed time of fulfillment. At that time, its prophecies will act as evidence to confirm their own physical fulfillment. Because Revelation was recorded in figurative language, pastors cannot understand it no matter how many times they read it (Isa 29).
Thus, Revelation is a sealed scroll to them. According to Rev 5, the book that records God’s plans is sealed with seven seals, and no one in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth can read or look inside it. Who, then, can open this scroll? When and where will this scroll be opened? Who will deliver the contents of this book when they are revealed?
Let us find the answer in the Bible. In the first coming of Jesus, God came to people while they were in exile under a gentile nation just as Ezekiel had prophesied. God opened the sealed scroll, gave it to the son of man to eat, and told him preach the revealed word (Eze 2-3). Today, it was when God’s spiritual chosen people were seized by gentiles (Rev 2-3), that God has come to Jesus and had him to open the sealed scroll from Rev 5. The opened scroll has been given to the chosen pastor to eat, and having eaten it, he has been proclaiming the revealed word to God’s people who are held captive by the gentiles (Rev 10). This is God’s will and his promise. There is only one God, one sealed scroll promised in the New Testament, one Jesus who breaks the seals, and one person who receives the open scroll.
Shincheonji TV: Revelation of Jesus’ second coming
Approximately 2,000 years ago, Apostle John saw and heard future events in a vision. He recorded his vision as the book of Revelation. The prophecies, which John saw in spirit, are physically fulfilled at their appointed time. Today – the time of fulfillment – the pastor promised in the New Testament has eaten the scroll and testified about the physical fulfillment (Rev 10) just as Jesus did at the first coming. Therefore, aside from the one who has received the scroll from heaven, no one can really understand its content or testify about it.

We in Shincheonji have mastered the Bible. Why do you resist believing our testimony?
Shincheonji has been testifying about the physical fulfillment of Revelation for quite awhile now. Because Shincheonji has been testifying to its physical fulfillment, people are without excuse.
Those who teach Revelation by adding to or deleting things from the book or giving testimonies about its fulfillment that do not match the prophecies are lying. Figuratively speaking, they are weeds and their words are the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Teaching those false testimonies about Revelation is the same as feeding people the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Why do those pastors act as if they have received the revealed word and have understood Revelation's true meaning when they have never received nor understood anything. Contrary to what the evil ones have been saying, Jesus and the people of Shincheonji are not heretics. They are the true heretics. The people of Shincheonji are new creations, born again of the word.
Shincheonji is God’s creations; Shincheonji is his kingdom and priests purchased by the blood of Jesus (Rev 1:5-6; Rev 5:9-10; Rev 20:6). People only fail to believe this when they lack faith and knowledge of the Bible. I sincerely pray that everyone will believe this testimony and obtain salvation.
Shincheonji TV
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