Shincheonji Teaching- Isaiah
The Revelation Prophesied by Vision
in the Old Testament & its fulfillment

Main reference: Isa 29:9-14
Prophets and seers were blind as God has brought over them a deep sleep, sealing their eyes and covering their heads. Therefore, the vision revelation was a sealed scroll that no one understood. People learned only rules taught by men. So God promised to do a wonder again, because the people were far from him in their hearts, though they came near to him with their lips. The ‘wonder’ means the word of vision revelation (prophecy) and its fulfillment.
Prophet Habakkuk said that this vision revelation had an appointed time, which would certainly come. It is written in Ez 1-3 that God came to Prophet Ezekiel after the chosen people went into exile (Ez 1). He called him, ‘Son of man,’ opened the sealed scroll of the vision revelation and gave it to him to eat (Ez 2). He told him to give his warning to the rebellious Israelites (Ez 3).
After 600 years, this prophecy was fulfilled through Jesus. Jesus received the revelation, the open scroll and gave it to the Israelites (Mt 15:24). Jesus said of them as written in Isa 29, ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, as their teachings are but rules taught by men’ (Mt 15:7-9).
He called the teachers of the law and the Pharisees who were the pastors at that time, ‘blind guides who lead blind men’ (Mt 15:14). He also said, ‘No one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him’ (Mt 11:27), and ‘Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent’ (Jn 17:3).
Today is same as then. The deaf and the blind lie with their corrupted tradition, place their religious influence as priority, and disregard the revelation and the Truth.
But how can you recognize the fulfillment of events if you do not understand the prophecies in the Bible?
Shincheonji Teaching- Isaiah
Source: Shincheonji cafe
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