Shincheonji TV: The Revelation of the Old Testament
and its Fulfillment at the time of Jesus’ first coming
We in Shincheonji have mastered the Bible.
Shincheonji TV: Jesus’ first coming
Pastors at the time of Jesus’ first coming prevented their congregation members from going to Jesus to hear the revealed word and refused to go themselves (Matt 23:13). What do you think the pastors living at the time of the second coming are doing? If the holy spirit were working within the pastors of this generation, they would act differently than the pastors of the time of the first coming.

True believers must speak the truth with humility. According to several prophecies (Isa 29:9-14; Hab 2:2-3; Eze 1-3), the pastors living in the time of the Old Testament’s fulfillment (i.e. Jesus’ first coming) were stunned. They were so drunk that they staggered. They were asleep and their eyes and heads were covered. In other words, no matter how much time they spent reading them, they were unable to understand the words of the prophecies.
The prophecies were nothing but a sealed scroll to them. Neither the pastors nor their congregation members could understand them. Without understanding the sealed scroll, they could preach only the teachings of men. Because they were only taught the teachings of men, even though they drew near to God with their lips, they were nothing but gentiles with hearts far from God.
The revelation of the Old Testament and its fulfillment at the time of Jesus’ first coming
The sealed scroll of God was only revealed and given to Jesus (the son of man) to eat according to the prophecies of Isaiah, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, etc. After receiving the revealed word, Jesus went to the rebellious house of Israel to preach that message according to God's command (Matt 15:24). The sealed scroll had an appointed time at which it had to be revealed (Hab 2:3). When that time came, it was only revealed to one person – Jesus (Matt 11:27). In the same way, the prophetic words of the New Testament also had an appointed time of revelation. Today, they have been revealed and granted to just one person. Having received the revealed word, that person has also been commanded to preach the revealed word (Rev 10). In fact, the New Testament was given to us so that we can discover the one who receives the revealed word.
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