
Shincheonji Truth: Fulfillment of Revelation

<Truth of Shincheonji>
Spreading the Fulfillment of Revelation

The devil and his pastors speak lies (Jn 8:44),
and God and His pastors speak the truth (Jn 17:17).
God and Jesus came at the First Coming as promised in the Old Testament, spoke the truth, and fulfilled the promise.  At that time, the pastors of the temple of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, lied and carried out evil deeds. Today, after about 2,000 years, God and Jesus came in a spiritual body, fulfilled the Book of Revelation, and they are in the final stage of their work.  

The fact that Shincheoji is experiencing a dramatic increase through its proclamation of peace, just as Jesus proclaimed peace, shows a process of re-creation.

On the other hand, due to the rapid decrease of its members, the CCK is taking their anger out on the members of Shincheoji through coercive conversion education. Such actions will be considered unlawful for all eternity.

CBS and the CCK are currently slandering Shincheoji by making up false accusations. A generation ends because of corruption; this is why they need to repent and become reborn. They once determined a date on which the rapture will occur, and it became a huge issue in the whole country. Did the rapture take place? It was all a lie, and that is why those who made up such a lie are the false pastors. This is corruption.

God and Jesus are with us, Shincheoji, and we have a complete understanding of the Bible and revelation.
We of Shincheonji are also spreading the fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament, and furthermore, growing rapidly because of it.

The pastors, elders, evangelists, and congregation members under the CCK are gathering to Shincheoji because God’s truth is with Shincheoji, unlike the CCK that became corrupt. This can be proven by having the most knowledgeable and skilled CCK member and a lay congregation member from Shincheoji take a test regarding the Bible and compare the results. 

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