The Reason Shincheonji Church of Jesus
is Hated by the Christian Council of Korea
What is the reason that Shincheonji Church receives hatred from CCK?
What's the reason that Shincheonji Church receives hatred and persecution from CCK?
What is the reason that Shincheonji Church receives much hatred and persecution from CCK?
The Reason
Shincheonji Church
is Hated by CCK!
Main reference: Mt 23:29-36

Is it pleasant to be hated and to receive persecution? No. It is the pain of one’s flesh being eaten away and the pain of stabbing one’s heart. Had we become one with CCK and obeyed as they commanded, we would not receive persecution, would we? We would not. Then, why do we still knowingly act the way we do? It is because the one who is greater than CCK is God and in order to act in accordance to God’s will, we do not become one with them.
Where does this say in the Bible? It is written in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God […] ‘Come out from them and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.’ And ‘I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,’ says the Lord Almighty.” For this reason, Shincheonji remains separate.
Then what is the fault of CCK? If you are Korean, it would be needless to repeat this well-known fact, but we will take a look. The root of CCK is Presbyterianism. The root of Presbyterianism is Calvinism (not the church of Jesus), which is the denomination of Calvin, the murderer. At the time under the rule of Japanese imperialism, they worshipped and praised the Japanese god (god who rules the heavens). The evidence is Koshinpa. Koshinpa is one of the denominations of the Presbyterian Church of Korea. They separated themselves from those who worshipped at a shrine during the Japanese rule.
In 1980 the Presbyterian pastors (The Presbyterian Church of Korea) entered the Tabernacle Temple located in Gwacheon, the temple that God had chosen. They entered on the basis that it is heretical and in need of cleansing. However, they ordained as new pastors the evangelists of the Tabernacle Temple, whom they previously considered to be heretics for not having any degrees from a seminary school. These evangelists who became Presbyterian pastors, as recorded in Revelation chapter 13, are those who raised their rights hands, received the laying of hands on their foreheads by the beast with seven heads and ten horns (the false pastors), and worshipped the beast. These individuals possess authority in the Presbyterian Church as chairmen and ministers. Unless you are a believer who is spiritually dead, how can you not know of this event?
The number of people (the congregation members of the Tabernacle Temple at that time) who saw the evangelists receiving the mark on their right hands and foreheads by the pastor of the dragon as written in Revelation chapter 13 are thousands. Although the evangelists had received their duties by the grace of God, like Adam they betrayed God and became one with the beasts, the pastors of the dragon.
One cannot possibly choose to belong to the false pastors and the pastors that betrayed and eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, after seeing and knowing the event that took place at the Tabernacle Temple. The words of God and Jesus are, “Do not be with them but come out from there and be separate.” Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Revelation 17:14, and Revelation 18:4. It is one case for someone to not carry a life of faith as a non-believer, but how can anyone choose to become a betrayer after knowing of such evil deeds?
The reason they commit the same actions as those of Calvin is that they are his spiritual children. However, we endure patiently to help them perceive so that they may repent and be reborn. We are giving them perception by overcoming evil with good, loving the enemy, and shining darkness with light. Instead of slanders, persecution, and curses, we are showing through our forgiveness, love, and blessings that we belong to God and that we keep God’s commands.
Another reason is that the holy spirit of God and the evil spirit of Satan are enemies and are against each other. When God’s messengers appeared in every generation, Satan’s pastors consistently persecuted them. Just as they have done to Jesus, the disciples, and to the prophets, Satan’s pastors hated, persecuted, cursed, and killed to this day. The Bible provides the evidence.
We, Shincheonji, desire to truly distinguish between the truth and lies. For this reason, Shincheonji has countlessly suggested other denominations to be tested on their Biblical knowledge before the general public. We also presented forty Bible verse questions.

They hate until the point of killing because Shincheonji (the promised pastor) had seen them at the scene of the event and their identity was revealed, the same way thieves hate those who know their identity. Because we know this fact, we are helping them to receive atonement of their sins and be reborn.
We, Shincheonji, are testifying that the prophecy made 2,000 years ago has fulfilled today.
Those who believe are truly blessed.
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