Shincheonji Beliefs
and God's Words
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is the new kingdom and the new people who have been harvested and sealed after the destruction of the former-heaven. God comes and dwells at this place, 12 tribes of Shincheonji (Rv 21).
Source: Shincheonji cafe:
"God’s Word and the Life of Beliefs"
Main references: Jn 1:1-5; Mt 7:21; Jn 3:3-6, Rev 22:16

God’s Word is God(Jn 1:1). The Word is God’s seed(Lk 8:11), and it is life(Jn 6:63). One who does not have the Word, which is the seed of life, is someone who does not have God and life; he is a dead person. God’s will, as described in the New Testament, is that one must be reborn with the seed of life—the Word—and God’s spirit, meaning the Holy Spirit, to be qualified to enter the kingdom of heaven (Jn 3:5; 1 Pt 1:23).
According to the Bible, the sun, moon, and stars of the sky refer to the chosen people (Israel, Gn 37:9-11), and where the chosen people are at is heaven. This means that the family who belongs to heaven, meaning the congregation members, is figuratively referred to as the sun, moon, and stars, and the church where the congregation members are at is figuratively referred to as heaven.
At the end of the age, the sun and the moon become dark and the stars fall to earth, the sky recedes and rolls up like a scroll, and every mountain and island is removed from its place (Rev 6:12-14). The sun, moon, and stars’ darkening and falling mean that they once belonged to heaven, but became affiliated with the earth. And every mountain and island’s being removed from its place means that the church organization and the branch churches disappear. This is referring to the end of the world of churches and the life of faith. However, today at the Second Coming, like the time of Noah and Lot, the corrupted churches do not realize that such an event took place. Why do they not realize this? It is because their spirits are dead.

Jesus, who is heaven and the true vine, bore many fruits (Jn 15), and the kingdom of Babylon, the wild vine of hell and Nebuchadnezzar, also bore many fruits (Dn 4:20). These two types of trees are the tree of life, and the tree of the good and evil, respectively. The wine of adulteries in Rev 17 and 18 are the words of the sermon, which the pastors of Babylon falsely testify. All nations listened to these words, ate them, fell, and died.
The end of the world of the chosen people is not simply the end of the earth; the chosen people fall as they get invaded by the gentile spiritual Babylon, and fall into captivity. This is when the remnant seeds are harvested from the churches that have become Babylon, and are sealed to be created into God’s new people and kingdom. The people of heaven are saved from captivity as one fights and overcomes Babylon. This is the promise of the Bible (the New Testament), and an event that takes place at the Second Coming. The Lord goes to Babylon and calls out the chosen people in Revelation chapter 17 and 18, because they have become captives of Babylon.
I have experienced a worldly war. It is not an easy task to save the captives. If the captives themselves do not realize the fact that they have become captives, how can they be saved? I am sure you are aware of the ideologies and situations of those who have fallen due to their corruption, have become captives, and who have drunk the maddening wine of adulteries. Because this is their reality, God harvests them at night like a thief, and seals them to be reborn. One can be born again through God’s seed and His spirit and become God’s family and be qualified to enter the kingdom of heaven. One who does this will of God can enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt 7:21).
This is how one is saved from death to life; the voice of God’s Son, meaning the breath of life, enters a person and makes the spirit alive again, making him a living being. How can the world (the churches of the world) understand this? But this is exactly what the Bible says. Just like the time of Adam and the time of Jesus’ First Coming, those who went from life to death must be born again from death to life in order to be saved (refer to Gn 3, Gn 7 ~ 8; Mt 23; Jn 5:24-29). This is the event recorded in the Book of Revelation.

Two religious wars take place in Revelation. In the first war, the chosen people of God’s tabernacle fight the group of the dragon, but they become captives because they do not overcome (Rev 13). In the second war, however, the child in Rev 12 (the child born of the woman clothed with the sun) and his brothers overcome the group of the dragon with the blood of Jesus and their word of testimony. As a result, God’s kingdom and salvation finally come.
If one does not know the meaning of the Word, he cannot carry on a true life of beliefs. He will be mistaken (Mt 22:29 NKJV) for not knowing the Scriptures nor the will of God. He will be captured by the spiritual Babylon, the kingdom of Satan, and together with Satan, he will persecute God’s people.
Today, no one can be saved if he does not receive the word of testimony from the Promised Pastor and the Promised Temple (the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony). In order to be saved in this era, one must believe in the testimony of the Promised Pastor according to the Bible(New Testament, Revelation) more than he believes in his own pastor.
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is the new kingdom and the new people who have been harvested and sealed after the destruction of the former-heaven. God comes and dwells at this place, 12 tribes, Shincheonji (Rv 21).
- Rev 22:16
I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
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