๐ Form of Another Mighty Angel
The Preview of the Sound
of the Seventh Trumpet
The Evidence of Promised Pastor
of the Seventh Trumpet
The Evidence of Promised Pastor
๐ Appearance of Another Mighty Angel in Revelation 10
John sees another mighty angel in a cloud come from heaven; the mighty angel has a rainbow on his head(Rev 4:3, God's appearance), his face is like the sun, his feet are like a pillar of fire(Rev 1:13-16, Jesus' appearance), and he has a small open book in his hand. His right foot is on the sea, and his left foot is on the land. He shouts like a roaring lion, and the seven thunders speak.
The mighty angel in this chapter appears to John while the sixth angel is sounding his trumpet (Revelation 9). This angel has the same appearance that Jesus had in Revelation 1 and 4. The angel in Revelation 10 is distinguished from other angels by having he same appearance as God and Jesus.
This is because he is a messenger specially appointed to speak on behalf of God and Jesus.
- Revelation 22:16

This angel in Revelation 10, brings the revelation of Jesus and explains it. This messenger is the angel of the covenant who must receive the Revelation from Jesus and give it to Apostle John(Rev 1:1). He is the Spirit of the Truth and the Spirit of the Advocate.
The Spirit of the Truth, the Spirit of the Advocate, comes in Jesus' name and explains Jesus' worlds, teaching and guiding us into all truth(Jn 14:16-17, Jn 14:26, Jn 15:26, Jn 16:13-15). This is why this angel in Rev 10 resembles Jesus. His job is to bring the book opened and revealed by Jesus, show it to Apostle John(I.e., new John), and explain to him all the events written in it(Rev 19:10, Rev 22:8),. In Rev 22:16, Jesus refers to this angel as his messenger to the churches. This is why this angel in Rev 10 is the Advocate Jesus promised to send. If this angel is the Advocate (Jn 14:17), the pastor who comes in the position of Apostle John(i.e., new John), who is with the angel, can also be called the Advocate.
Then, how shall we know the word which God and Jesus have not sent or spoken? How can we know when a message has not been spoken by God and Jesus? It says in the Bible that You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?"(Deut 18:21)
Thus says the Lord "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him."(Deut 18:22)
No one knows God, heaven, Jesus, the one sent by him and the physical entities of the fulfilled Revelation unless he receives this revealed Word of the New Testament.
No one in heaven or on earth is able to open the sealed book(Rev 5:3) until Jesus, himself, opens the seals. He then reveals it to John through the angel and it is John that finally reveals it to the world.
God's book which was sealed until today, is given to Jesus. Jesus opens it and gives ti to an angel, who then gives ti to John (Rev 1:1-3). This is why the words of God's book and their physical fulfillment can only be explained by the one who receives the book.
At the time of Revelation's fulfillment the promised pastor receives the revealed book (opened scroll) and eats it in Revelation 10, fulfills it (Rev 21:6), and then testifies to it. Shincheonji people have faith to believe in the promises(prophecy) in the Bible and what has been fulfilled according to the promises(fulfillment).
At Shincheonji, the pastor who received the opened book from heaven mentioned in Rev 10 is testifying its worlds and their physical fulfillment.
There is a pastor who preaches the fulfillment of the process of Revelation and the events that took place. God gave it to Jesus, Jesus gave it to the angel, the angel gave it to John(Rev 10), and John delivered it to the servants, the 12 tribes.
This John, as Jesus' messenger who speaks on behalf, saw the fulfillment of the process and is the one who wrote the letters of Revelation 2, 3. He is the one in Revelation 1:2 who testifies Jesus who is sent to the churches in Revelation 22:16.
One must meet this promised pastor, messenger in order to know the fulfillment of Revelation.
Who is the pastor the Lord promised about?
The Lord shows and makes known to the promised pastor what has been fulfilled according to the prophecies of the Book of Revelation for chapters 1 through 22. He feeds him the reveled book(Rev 10:8-10) and has him testify(Rev 10:11) to the words that he has seen and heard. From this, it can be known that the promised pastor testifies to the fulfilled realities based on the books of prophecies. This testifies that the physical entities of the entire Book of Revelation exist.
Shincheonji is proclaiming everything that it has seen and heard according to Revelation and announcing it to all the nations, peoples, languages and kings (Rev. 10). Just as the Jesus' first coming no one knows the true God, except for the ones who received the word of Revelation, at the time of its fulfillment, one person Pastor of Shincheonji who has received the revealed book, and one person who is sent from Jesus. This is the Promised Pastor of Shincheonji.

๐บ The Trailer of the Sound of the Seventh Trumpet
The angel(Rev 10:1, another mighty angel) of this chapter swears to God with a raised hand (Rev 10:5) that when the seventh angel sounds the last trumpet, God's mystery will be fulfilled according to the gospel preached by the prophets (Rev 10:7), This seventh and final trumpet is sounded when Rev 11:15 is fulfilled. This is the time of salvation and the time that life begins to reign.
What happens when the seventh trumpet is sounded?
The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of god (Rev 11:15), the mortal becomes immortal, the perishable, becomes imperishable, and death is swallowed up by life (1 Cor 15:51-54). Since the devil has reigned for the past 6,000 years since Adam's fall, all men have died. When the last trumpet is sounded, however, death is destroyed.
To distinguish the time of the sounding of the last trumpet, believers must find Jesus' promised pastor who saw and heard everything in Revelation. No one can know the fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation without meeting the promised pastor. Jesus' angel is with John to speak through him on Jesus' behalf (Rev 19:10) just as God's angels were with Jesus (Jn 1:51; Mt 4:11).
In Shincheonji, the Pastor who received the opened book form heaven mentioned
in Revelation 10 is testifying its words and their physical fulfillment.
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