Revelation 11
Testimony of 2 Witnesses
& Seventh Trumpet Sound
After receiving the opened scroll the pastor,
what shall he do?
what shall he do?
In Revelation 10, John(the new John) receives the open book from the angel and eats it. Here, in Revelation 11, John(the new John) receives a reed like a measuring rod(a helper) with which to measure the hearts and spirits of the people who will become God's temple. The two witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days and are killed when they finish testifying by the beast that comes up form the abyss. After three and a half days, they come to life again and ascend to heaven.
- ※ The new John receives the open book of God in Rev 10, he is given the person referred to in Rev 11:1 as a reed like a measuring rod as a helper. The new John and his helper are the two witnesses. As witnesses, these two people testify about the events of Revelation according to what they have seen and heard. Of the two, new John is the one who received the word directly from the spirit (Rev 1:2, Rev 22:8).
- ※ In Rev 8:13, after the fourth trumpet, three woes remain because of the three remaining trumpets. The fifth and sixth trumpets are blown in Rev 9:1, 13. In Rev 11:14, with this(Rev 9:~ Rev11:13), the second woe has passed and the third woe will quickly come. The third woe refers to the plague of the seventh and final trumpet. * In Rev 8:13(remaining three woes), in Rev 9:12(remaining two other woes), in Rev 11:14(passed second woe, remaining third woe)
Salvation started from the moment the seventh trumpet was blown. This is the true entity of the secret of the sound of the seventh trumpet (Trumpet of salvation).
※ When the last trumpet is sounded, the gospel (in Isa 25:6-8, Rev 21:1-4, Jn 11:25-27) is fulfilled, the gospel says that death is swallowed up by life. It says that those who believe God and Jesus will live even if they are dead and that those who believe while living will never die. (Ref to 1Co 51:51-54). In Rev 11:15, this is similar to what happened at the time of the first coming when Jesus drew all people to himself after he was crucified (Jn 12:32). The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God after the two witnesses are spiritually killed(Rev 11:7-13).
The seventh and final trumpet is different from and more meaningful than the previous six trumpets. Although the first six trumpets brought judgment and punishment to the people of the tabernacle that betrayed, the final (seventh) trumpet brings salvation.
After this, the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God, and the temple of God opens.
(At this time, in Revelation 11:15, this day has now come like in Joshua 6:16)
※ What does it mean for the temple of God in heaven to open?
-The temple of God in heaven usually refers to the tabernacle of God in the spiritual world (Rev 4, Rev 21). In Rev 11:19, however, the temple of God in heaven refers to the temple led by the one who overcomes on whom the tabernacle of God in the spiritual world descends (Rev 3:12). Because of the work of Satan, the temple of god does not open until the seventh trumpet has sounded. After the seventh trumpet has sounded, the temple of God is opened on Earth when the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God. The opening of the temple implies that the new gospel spreads from the temple and that the temple's existence is made known to the world. This occurs so enter and receive salvation in God's kingdom.
The ark of the covenant can be seen in the temple, and there are flashes of lightning, crashes of thunder an earthquake, and a great hailstorm.
※ In Rev 11:19, the ark of God's covenant within the temple symbolizes the word of the covenant. This means the temple is the tabernacle promised in the new covenant.
The flashes of lightning within the temple are the fast movements of the spirits, while the roaring and thunder is the noise of God governing his kingdom. The earthquake represents the shaking of people's hearts(Rev 8:5). The great hailstorm means God's word of wrath and God's word coming from the pastor who has received it (Isa 28:2, Rev 8:7).

The events of 'Revelation 11' have been fulfilled according to what is written and since then the last trumpet of salvation has continued to sound.🎺
※ The sound of the seventh trumpet becomes the new song
in Revelation 14:3 and is sung forever.
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