<CBS News>
In the Name of Religion

On the 8th of April, the Coercive Conversion Education Victims Association and New Heaven and Earth (Shincheonji) held a press conference to denounce CBS false and distorted broadcasting at the Gwanghwamun Sejong Art Center in Seoul.
Sixty-six media organizations, including newspapers, attended the conference and ninety-nine articles were published. All the reports cover CBS’s false and distorted broadcasting.
CBS unilaterally aired things that are not true as if they are true to make money with coercive conversion education pastors without the confirmation of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (hereinafter Shincheonji) and the Coercive Conversion Education Victims Association. Because of this, this reputation of Shincheonji and the Association has been defamed. How can we call this CBS a religious broadcasting company?
False and distorted reports for money, coercive conversion education for money, and putting the blame for all of their wrongs on Shincheonji .These actions are brutalities through which religious people have violated human rights.
CBS!!! How can trampling on others’ human rights in the name of religion not be considered a sin???
What are the universal human rights?
- Benedetta Berti
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