Shincheonji Teaches the Truth
without Money and without cost
The truth is something you can eat without money
and without cost (Is 55:1-2, Rv 22:17).
We, Shincheonji, teach the truth without money
and without cost in accordance with the Bible.
This is biblical!!

The truth is something you can eat without money and without cost (Is 55:1-2, Rv 22:17). We, Shincheonji, teach the truth without money and without cost in accordance with the Bible. This is biblical.
Because of incorrect theories such as the one of rapture, many people have ruined their lives and some even died. If you drink the wine of adultery and eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which are lies, your spirit will die. If you drink the water of life and eat the fruit from the tree of life, which is the Word of life (Js 1:18), your spirit will live and you will attain eternal life.
Which one would you choose? God instructed to believe in the truth. The CCK has added and subtracted from the words of Revelation, while Shincheonji has thoroughly mastered the book of Revelation. Please answer which side is the truth.
<Truth of Bible is in Shincheonji>
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