
The Contents of the Bible

The Content 
of the Bible

 What is in the Bible?

 The contents of the Bible is ......

  1. Recorded within the past history are what have occurred 
  2. The moral instructions from God 
  3. Prophecies that will be fulfilled in the future
  4. The promised pastor who fulfills the prophecies and the fulfillment of the prophecies themselves  
  5. What are yet to be fulfilled 

In terms of the eras, there are the old things (past events) and the new things, and there also are the fulfillment of the old promises, and the promise which will be fulfilled.

Events of the times of Noah, Moses, and Jesus’ first coming have been fulfilled, and what is promised in the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, is a prophecy that will be fulfilled. 

Within the Old and the New Testaments, everything has been fulfilled other than Revelation.

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