By the Truth!
By Forced Conversion Education?
No! No! Never!!
Bible is saying that ...
The Bible is showing that ...
◆ Main reference: Jn 17:17
Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
Jesus stated that the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35). Today all believers must base their faith on the Bible. We should not follow the example of the believers in Calvin’s time who surrendered their beliefs in the Bible when they were pressured by the ruling ecclesiastical authorities of the day. We must overcome just like Stephen the martyr (Acts 7:51-60). Jesus never spoke a single lie, he spoke only the truth (Jn 8:45-55). Just as Jesus did, true believers must hold fast to the word of truth regardless of any persecution we might receive. Like Jesus, we must always speak the truth regardless of our circumstances.
Just like the false pastors of the first coming and the false pastors of Calvin’s time did, some of today’s pastors abuse their authority in an attempt to force people to bend to their will. These leaders threaten to kill the spirits of anyone who resists; they abuse their people both mentally and physically. There have even been cases of murder.
Let us consider what happened recently in Ulsan, South Korea. A woman from Ulsan was murdered by her husband because she refused to follow his orders to abandon her beliefs during a session of forced conversion education. Religious education should never involve any compulsion, oppression, or threats.
True beliefs does not include forced or oppressive indoctrination!
No one can force anyone to follow any specific doctrines. Isn’t it better to help people to see and believe the truth as they are enlightened by the words of promise.
Shincheonji Warning: By Truth,
or By Forced Conversion?
Source: Shincheonji cafe
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