
Shincheonji Revelation Teaching

Shincheonji Revelation Teaching:
The Work of Betrayal, Destruction

Main references: Rv 1 ~ 22 (Rv 21:6, Jn 19:30, Jn 14:29)
What is the work of betrayal, destruction and salvation in Revelation?

Revelation is a prophecy that is to fulfill in the future.  It is a vision revelation that was shown in advance to disciple John when he was called up to heaven after the ascension of Jesus.

When the prophecy fulfills, the betrayers, the destroyers and the savior appear. Anyone who understands the prophecy will recognize these entities by their actions as prophesied in the Bible.
As written in Jn 14:29, Jesus told us this before it happens, so that when it does happen, we will believe. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament (Jn 19:30) and he also fulfilled the New Testament without adding or subtracting anything from it just as he had promised in Revelation (Rv 21:6, “it is finished”).

Anyone who reads Revelation chapters 12, 7, and 5 and perceive the true meaning will acknowledge that Jesus was crucified and shed his blood on that cross for the sake of fulfilling Revelation. (Rv 12:11, 7:14, 5:9-10)
It is impossible for those who do not understand the true meaning of Revelation to perceive its fulfillment. Prophecies are fulfilled only when the betrayers, the destroyers, and the savior appear at the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. Having a true faith is to understand and believe in the fulfillment. 

Only by this true faith can we be saved. It is not right to believe or expect to be saved before Revelation fulfills. People can easily say that they are already saved because they do not know the work of Revelation.

All the prophecies in the New Testament and including those in the Old Testament point to Revelation. Thus, it is wrong for anyone to believe that he is already saved when Revelation has not yet begun to fulfill.
We must remember Jesus’ promise in Revelation 12 that God's kingdom, power, and salvation come when someone fights and overcomes the group of Satan. If so, how can there be God’s kingdom and salvation before this prophecy is fulfilled? We must believe the promise as written in the Bible.

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