"Cult" is a Method to Block People
From Going to Shincheonji

One of the members of Shincheonji was murdered by her family (ex-husband), because she didn’t agree to receive coercive conversion education under the CCK. Seeing that they killed someone for not converting to their denomination, we can see that the mainstream denomination of the CCK, the Presbyterian denomination, must have inherited their genes from Calvin the murderer.
Is it conforming with Christianity’s values of love, forgiveness, and salvation? It never was orthodoxy, but a true cult.
Shincheonji was labeled as a cult by the CCK, but it is the true orthodoxy, and the CCK is the true cult. Jesus was labeled as a cult by the Pharisees, but he was the true orthodoxy, and the Pharisees were the true cult. True orthodoxy, like Jesus and Shincheonji, gives the revelation that is directly received from God. True cults form sects and rule with doctrines that are made from their own thinking, not the Bible.
Today's words of Revelation of Shincheonji has the most certainty and is the most excelling in the world, more than anyone in any era. Jesus' messenger, who speaks on his behalf, is with Shincheonji; he mastered the Book of Revelation and testifies to its fulfilled reality (physical entities) that no one else is able to know. Jesus sent his messenger to the churches to testify to "this," meaning, the fulfillment of Revelation (Rv 22:16). But are the churches in Korea accepting this testimony? Like the times of Noah and Lot, and like the time of Jesus' First Coming, people are so anxious to persecute and to kill. You can see if this is true or not by going in the anti-Shincheonji blogs on the Internet.
The media is spreading lies that are so shameful and dirty that they are hard to even read or look with a straight face. These lies are a method so that the congregation members of their denominations will see them and not go to Shincheonji, the city of truth. How can anyone with a human conscience make up and spread such hideous lies? They are embarrassing even for the adults to see-how will they affect the children who may see them? Won't the children take after such actions? Why is the government just watching such hideous actions?
Just as Jesus said "Love your enemies" (Mt 5:44), we, the nation of Shincheonji, forgave those who have been sinning against us and released them from their sins. We also told them, "Let us love one another and go on to the way of living together." Who is the one acting according to God's will? Who is doing good and who is committing evil?
Shincheonji teaches the holy things of the heavens for adults and children alike, seeing and hearing can be their education. Is this not what is truly correct?
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