
Shincheonji Church's Quotes of Life

♥ Have a day with the words of the lesson. 

We are the people bound to receive the world (global community) as a gift from God. Therefore, we, who will receive all the inheritance, must become fully equipped in order to renew all nations. It is only then we can restore all creation which has been distorted by Satan, back to its original image.

We need to get rid of our old way of thinking. We always need to examine ourselves and think about how we can be qualified to live with God.

It is joyful to think about God's kingdom. Can you imagine how great God's world will be when it is completed? It will be more beautiful than anything of this world.  Thus, let us become "Great people" if we are to live in such a "Great world".

See More ▶▶▶ Youtube [The Bible Lifestyle with Shincheonji church] Proverbs 2:1~5

댓글 3개:

  1. We are waiting for God's kingdom to come amen

  2. Wow... God must be so pleased to see ppl hoping for and longing for his purpose to be completed. I pray that I can realize this heart.

  3. "Can you imagine how great God's world will be when it is completed? It will be more beautiful than anything of this world." There's no one who doesn't desire this. Thank You, God.
