Shinchonji Church,
Testimony of Truth
in the Bible

It is a pity that many pastors in the world are preaching false testimonies and feeding their congregations notes that are made of lies. The liars, the pastors of lies should realize that they are the pastor of Satan in the bible, and seek for the truth to be reborn as true believers.
Jesus bore the cross and bled to save us from the sin. He let us know where the omens of the 2nd coming will appear in Mt. 24, Rev. 13 and 12. Any pastor who teaches the war mentioned in those passages as the war of the world is a false pastor who makes up lies. The testimony of the one who saw and heard the war is the only truth.
We, Shinchonji pray that the believers follow God's word recorded in the bible and receive salvation.
※ Shincheonji Notice
Shinchonji transferred the spelling to Shincheonji, SCJ.
Shinchonji transferred the spelling to Shincheonji, SCJ.
The exact spelling is S-h-i-n-c-h-e-o-n-j-i.
This blog is for information purpose for the correct
This blog is for information purpose for the correct
understanding of Bible and Shincheonji.
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