
'Beliefs and Holy Spirit' from Shinchonji cafe

Shinchonji cafe:
Beliefs and Holy Spirit
Each Denomination’s Opinions & Beliefs(Shinchonji cafe)
The will of the Holy Spirit is to fulfill the New Testament. First, we must know the true meaning of the New Testament so that we can see, believe, and understand when it fulfills (Jn 14:29).

The Holy Spirit makes known the true meaning of the prophecies at the time they are fulfilled, and allows us testify the truth by seeing the fulfilled reality. It is made known to the chosen promised pastor first (Rv 10). When the prophecies are fulfilled, the promised pastor, whom the Holy Spirit is with, sees, hears, and testifies the fulfillment according to the command of the Holy Spirit (Rv 1:2; 22:16). There cannot be any fault in this testimony because he testifies what has fulfilled exactly according to the prophecies. This is also because there is physical evidence.
People do not understand the meaning of the Bible and so believe only in their pastor and their words, yet they say they believe in God and Jesus – so how can their beliefs not be a lie? This is the reality of the lives of beliefs in each denomination at the end of the age.

댓글 1개:

  1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. God is with person who had his word.
