
Revelation 18, Babylon Judge

Revelation 18
the Lair of Demons 
that is Judged
  1. Babylon, the nation of demons, is judged in Revelation 18 
  2. God's people are called out and saved.
  3. Revelation 18 reveals that Babylon, the lair of demons, is destroyed along with all the nations that are drunk on the wine of her adulteries.
What are the sins of Babylon in Revelation 18?
  1. Using its ecclesiastical authority, Babylon invades the tabernacle of heaven created by God and destroys it (Rev 13).
  2. The kings of the earth commit adultery with the prostitute, and Babylon deceives the inhabitants of the earth and forces them to become drunk with the wine of her adulteries (Rev 17:2-5).
  3. Sins of deceiving the nations(Rev 18:23)
The immoralities and sins of Babylon are piled up to heaven, and because God remembers her sins, Babylon is judged.

Jesus calls to the captives of Babylon and asks them to escape the nation of demons that destroys and deceives all nations with the wine of her adulteries. He calls to his people, brings them out, and then judges Babylon. As a result, the merchants, sea captains, and sailors, who have become rich working with Babylon are destroyed in a single hour because no one buys heir goods anymore. Everything about Babylon, including the marriage of her brides and grooms and the light of her lamps, disappears.

Refer to http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/133
  • Babylon, the lair of demons 
In Revelation 18, Babylon refers to the same prostitute mentioned in Revelation 17:3-5 and the organization of the beast she rides that has seven heads and ten horns. 
  • The nations destroyed by the wine of adultery
The whole world has fallen because of the wine of adultery means the teachings, which the prostitute Babylon receives by associating with demons, have spiritually destroyed all the world's churches. The kings of the earth who commit adultery with the prostitute(Rev 18:3) are the pastors of the world who accept the prostitute's teachings. They deceive their own congregation members by sharing these teachings (biblical commentaries) with them. This is how all nations are destroyed (Rev 18:23). Since Rev 8:3 says "all the nations", there are no exceptions.
  •  The merchants of the earth who have become rich
According to Revelation 18:3, the merchants of the earth have become rich through the extravagance of Babylon the prostitute. These merchants are the evangelists who work for the prostitute. Through her detestable behavior, Babylon the prostitute has gathered many luxuries: purple and scarlet clothes, gold, precious stones, pearls, and a golden cup(Rev 17:4). These things are the various teachings and ecclesiastical laws the prostitute has received from Satan. Clearly, the merchants of the earth who grow rich by Babylon's extravagance are figurative not literal merchants.
  • Those who escape Babylon
The people(Rev 18:4) being told to escape Babylon, the kingdom of demons, are the believers enslaved by the group of the prostitute. These believers are referred to as many peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages. The one who says, "Come out of her, my people," is Jesus. He chooses and calls these people according to Rev 17:14. At the time of the second coming, Jesus goes to the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands, which the Nicolaitans invaded, so he can find the new John (Rev 1). Jesus then uses John to speak and act on his behalf. Jesus goes with John to the kingdom of Babylon  the prostitute(Rev 17:14) to free the people she has enslaved. This happens so the people of God do not sin along with Babylon and receive her plagues (Rev 18:4).

  •  The mourning of the kins and merchants of the earth
The kings and merchants of the earth (Rev 18:9) mentioned in Rev 18:9-11 are all pastors (Rev17:9) and evangelists who join the prostitute in worshiping the dragon and preaching sermons according to his teachings. The words of God's opened book (Rev 10) become the fiery judgment that sets Babylon being burned, they beat their chests and seep because, as a result this judgment people are no longer willing to buy their goods (Rev 18:9-11). The goods they are trying to sell are the various teachings and ecclesiastical laws they have created with man's thinking.
  • The goods and fruit of Babylon
The goods of Babylon figuratively refer to the doctrines, teachings and ecclesiastical laws of Satan (the dragon) The fruit for which Babylon has longed represents the teachings and ecclesiastical laws of Babylon, which are the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good ad evil.
  • The sea captains sailors and all who travel by sea ?
  • The wedding banquet of Babylon that is fudged ?
  • The sound of Babylon's instruments and millstones ?
  • The lamplight, bridegroom, bride and magic spells of Babylon ?
  • The blood of the martyrs found in the city of Babylon ?
If you really want to know more details about these contents, contact the nearest Zion Center of Shincheonji.
The Bible tells the story of a great war between God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom.
In the Bible, God prophesies about the time the true identity of Babylon, the kingdom of demons will be revealed to the world. He prophesies that he will judge Babylon and bring it to an end. Today, the fulfillment of these prophecies has come.

 The events prophesied in Revelation 18
have already been physically fulfilled~!!!

댓글 2개:

  1. Thank you for this brilliant article about Revelation 18. It's amazing to think that this has already been fulfilled in the Republic of Korea.

    1. The one who testifies to what he saw is the promised pastor at the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament’s Revelation. There is no one else who can see and testify to this besides him. Those who claim they can are liars. No one who lies can testify to the realities of Revelation that have been fulfilled. I appreciate you for reading 'Revelation 18'.
