
Revelation 8, From First To Fourth Trumpet's Woes

Revelation 8,
Describe the Woes of 
From the First Trumpet
To the Fourth Trumpet


When Jesus opens the seventh an final seal, seven angels were given the seven trumpets and begin to sound them.

The important page of opening the seventh and final seal in Revelation 8,  has been 2,700 years since God prophesies through Isaiah (Isa 29:9-14), but His words have finally been fulfilled.

Since that last seal has been opened, the prophecies written in the book have been fulfilled and proclaimed. the trumpet is sounded to proclaim both the prophecies and their physical fulfillment.

Before the seals are opened, there is nothing to proclaim. After the seals are opened, the trumpets are necessary for announcing the events that have occurred. Since angles are spirits, they choose people as trumpets through whom to preach(Isa 58:1)

  1. As the first angel sounds his trumpet: Hail and fire mixed with blood burns a third of the earth, a third of the trees, and all the green grass.  Hail and fire represent the words of wrath. The earth, the trees, and the grass symbolize God's chosen people who have betrayed.
  2. As the Second angel sounds his trumpet: A church like a huge mountain (Isa 2:2) all ablaze is thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turns to blood, a third of the creatures in the ea die, and a third of the ships are destroyed. The sea symbolizes the world (Dn 7:2, 17) and blood symbolizes death. The creatures in the sea are the chosen people who have betrayed, and the ships are the churches of the chosen people. The spirits of the chosen people are killed by worldly doctrines (blood) and their churches are destroyed in judgment.
  3. As the  third angel sounds his trumpet: A star blazing like a torch falls from the sky onto the rivers and springs. A third of the waters turn bitter and many people die because of them. This great star symbolizes a fallen angle (Isa 14:12). He is God's adversary, who left the tabernacle of God to make his own sect. He is a false pastor like Balaam, who taught the gentile king Balak to make the Israelites worship idols. Springs represent pastors welling up with  the water of the word. Revers symbolize evangelists because rivers act as paths that water takes after leaving a spring. False pastors give false doctrines (wormwood) to these pastors and their evangelists and the spirits of the chosen people die when they drink these false doctrines(Dt 32:32-33).
  4. As the fourth angel sounds his trumpet: A third of the sun, moon and stars are struck and a third of the day and the night are without light. In this  passage, the sun, moon and stars represent the pastors, evangelists and congregation members of the tabernacle of the chosen people. They are attacked and destroyed by the gentile authority that enters their tabernacle. The can no longer act as the sun, moon and stars by shining the light of truth, and thier spirits turn dark.

Three trumpets must still be sounded. An eagle flying in midair calls out three loud "Woe" to those who live on the earth. This eagle is one of the four living creatures or archangels (Rev 4:7). The people of the earth are the people of the  tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands.

This plague of the seven trumpets is a punishment for the church of the seven golden lampstands (Rev 6:15-16). They are punished because they entered the caves and rocks of the gentiles even after receiving Jesus' letter telling them to repent and overcome the Nicolaitans (Rev 2-3). The church of the seven golden lampstands was specially chosen by God, but they failed him. If God's chosen church betrayed him, just imagine the condition of the rest of  the world's churches.

Today, as Revelation is being fulfilled, people never think to examine their spiritual walk according to the words of promise and yet they feel safe and secure. Unless all believers think about their own spiritual state according to the words of promise, they cannot avoid destruction. All the believers of the world must be born again just like the Ninevites, who listened to Jonah and repented (Jon 3).

God said, "All you who live in the world, who reside on the earth you will see a signal flag raised on the mountains, you will hear a trumpet being blown," (Isa 18:3). Jesus also said that the angels will sound trumpets when the Son of Man returns(Mt 24:31).

These trumpets are the seven trumpets mentioned in Rev 8-9 and in Rev 11:15-19. The sound of the trumpet is the testimony about Revelation's fulfillment. When believers hear this trumpet sound, they must understand that the Lord has returned.


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