
The Culture of Heaven! the Key to World Peace

The Culture of Heaven!
the Key to World Peace

June is the season of verdure!
But we remember June as the month of war and bloodshed.
We remember how too man young people died in the war before they even had a chance to live out their dreams.
They did not even know why they had to die and many had to die in a country that they had never heard of.
This is why people today continue to shout out and say this kind of tragedy should never happen again.

However, there still remains within this nation a reason for another tragic, fratricidal war.
It is very sad.
Although this is the circumstance, we must make a voluntary effort to resolve the problem of reuniting our nation and work at it with perseverance and endurance.
This is because even our allies do not truly desire our nation's reunification.
Of course, the shortcut to voluntary reunification is through the exchange of human, material, and cultural resources.
Based on this exchange, there is a need for a change in the people's consciousness as well as their sense of values.
This kind of change is not brought about by the government but it begins with the future, do not feel the need for reunification, it will become a remote dream.

Throughout the world, there is not a single war where young people are not involved.
Furthermore, if the young people do not feel the need for reunification, it is meaningless.
Understanding these two facts are the key in working towards world peace and reunification.
Let us consider this deeply as we welcome the verdure of June.

'World Peace' is what is happening now the Culture of Heaven rather than  with the near future.

<The Culture of Heaven! the Key to World Peace>
Source : Marushiron sang Myeon Lee

댓글 1개:

  1. Wow!
    The Culture of Heaven
    the Key to World Peace.
    I want peace in the world.
