
What's the most valuable culture? "Peace"

"Peace" the most valuable culture we must create

What would be the common culture everyone must pursue today?
I believe it is peace which is the most superordinate concept and universal value that everyone should have. Thus, many people have pursued peace and endeavoured for peace.

However, peace is still far away from us. Peace campaigns paradoxically acknowledge that peace cannot become a reality by some kind of campaign or slogan.
People have overlooked the fact that there is a logical order to accomplish peace as they shout, “Peace! peace!”

Peace can be accomplished when war, which blocks peace, comes to an end. We must find the answer to the reason for war. The answer is religion. What is ironic is the fundamental principle of religion is peace. This tells us that religion has already broken away from its fundamental principle.

Religion strayed from its origin not because it was the will of the lord of religion but because man, who was a created being, became greedy. As a result, the lord of religion left and man pretended like he was the lord of religion. Consequently, instead of achieving peace, which was the fundamental principle of religion, religion caused disputes, quarrels, dissensions and wars as it could be seen today. This situation must be restored.

The way to restoration is to unite the religions because the lord of the religion is one. The only way to restore is through truth. When religions are united through the truth, there will be no more wars and peace will come. This is the order of things and truth itself.

The Rose of Sharon,  the national flower of Korea
The Rose of Sharon(Mugunghwa) means
"eternal flower" or "endless flower" in Korean


"Blind" of today when the churches are coming to an end

  1.  God’s Pastor as seen in the Bible 
  2.  Worldly pastors as mentioned in the Bible

Let’s ask a believer from God’s church and a believer from a worldly church. “What have you learned from your pastor today?” By listening to their answers, we will know which pastor has taught their congregation the things of heaven, and which pastor the things of the earth. Jesus said, “If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” At which church will one attain salvation? A child resembles one’s father and mother. It will be plain at the time of judgment whose seed one received, and whose wine one has been drinking.
To the world that is teaching with the teachings of men! Pastors of the earth label Shincheonji who teach heaven’s revealed word as a cult, just as the Pharisees did to Jesus at the First Coming. However, just as those who labeled Jesus this were the real cults, it is the same today.

At a time (today) when the churches are coming to an end (refer to Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-17), you have no salvation without meeting the promised pastor of the New Testament. Seek and find him (Mt 7:7-8). In fear of the Christian Council of Korea, the organization that has labeled Shincheonji a cult, pastors of each church are secretly watching the Shincheonji instructors testify the word of testimony on the internet. They are eagerly learning and testifying it in their own churches. The eyes of the blind are opening. Finally, the blind are seeing and the mute are opening their mouths!

Can you still not understand after seeing (the era of) the Christian Council of Korea coming to an end? Victory to the God of Shincheonji!

Source : Shincheonji cafe http://cafe.daum.net/scjschool/E4mY/372
"Blind" of today when the churches are coming to an end

Mt 15:14
They are blind guiders.
If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.



(Shincheonji News) "The Bible? You don't need to know that!"

 "The Bible? You don't need to know that!... Christianity in Korea without the Scriptures"                    -Shincheonji News-

When Jesus’ disciples asked him why he spoke to the people in parables, Jesus responded by saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them’ and he said that, ‘…it is to hide the secrets of the kingdom of heaven from Satan.’ (Lk 8:10) Also, he explained that it was ‘to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament (Ps 78:2).’ The Christians who believe in Jesus must know the parables to know the kingdom of heaven.

However, in a recent anti-cult seminar hosted in Daegu by Mr. Shin OO, he claimed “there is no need to know the parables,” sparking a huge controversy thereafter.  In addition, Pastor Jin OO publicly stated, “there is no need to examine the Bible,” which has been bringing shock to many people.
If one rejects the Bible then what is the foundation of Christianity? As we think of the words “the word was God” in John chapter 1 verse 1-4, arguing against believing in the Bible is extremely disgraceful .  It is equivalent to saying, “do not believe in God.” This was a deliberate action set to prevent believers from going to Shincheonji to learn the Bible. This reminds me of the saying, “One ends up burning his thatched cottage to get rid of the bedbugs.” However, to a believer sincerely carrying out a life of faith in hope for heaven and eternal life, will that house be a mere thatched cottage?

Last year on July 20th in an urgent press conference, Shincheonji exposed the actions committed by Mr. Shin OO, who currently stands in the frontline of persecuting Shincheonji. Previously, he followed many rich church members to obtain various kinds of thanksgiving offerings and expensive gifts for his birthday. He also had a non-transparent financial accounting, and was kicked out of Shincheonji for using the word of God for his personal gain. It is a frustrating situation, for the Christian Council of Korea (“CCK”) has placed this individual, who falls short of basic moral standards, in charge of the committee to countermeasure cults. 

The one who kidnaps, confines, and assaults is the criminal-the cult expert
Pastor Jin OO, who calls himself a “cult expert” is a conversion education pastor, well known for breaking apart countless families of Shincheonji members, through illegal forced conversion education in exchange for large sums of money. He received many probation and court orders due to his violation of human rights.
Many prophets and apostles sacrificed their lives testifying to the ends of the earth, the words recorded in the Bible. They did not succumb to any hardships, and as witnesses of Christ they fulfilled their duty in testifying to the gospel. Are these pastors who instruct to “not look at the Bible, that there is no need to know it,” truly pastors who belong to God?

A particular organization that opposes and persecutes Shincheonji, granted access into the news conference room only the press they have selectively approved in advance. This means they wanted specific news press who could publish only the content they wanted published. On one side of the conference room, the members of this organization publically criticized and told other news press to leave the room. They closed their eyes and ears and were concerned only in voicing their own opinions. The image of a believer was not found in any of them.

Now they use the media to distort news reports. Shincheonji, however, has nothing to hide. In every press conferences hosted by Shincheonji, the door was widely open to all media and even to the general public. Shincheonji is also broadcasting 24 hours a day online so that people can see and hear diverse news events and the word of God regardless where they might be. Furthermore, the entire testimony of the revealed word of Shincheonji has been  made known through the Bible Seminar, not just in the various places within this country, but also in Europe and in the United States.

Christianity is exceptional compared to other religions, because they have the Bible that God has given. Now, we have to return to the basics and decide who is right according to the Bible. Now we will see how long the schemes of those who do not place God as the standard will last, those who unfairly use other Christians and the media to exalt their own point of view.

City of Truth, Beautiful Shincheonji